Centrala electrica Viessmann, Vitotron 100 Tip VLN3, 12-24kW

Electric boiler for heating and domestic hot water Viessmann(incl. three-way valve and boiler sensor). Solution for almost any situation from small domestic properties to large commercial biuldings.
- Stock: Disponibil la cerere
- Firma: Viessmann
- SKU: 08.432.004
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Electric boilers are one of the most used heating systems for buildings and homes that do not have access to the gas transmission network. They are economical and environmentally friendly. The electric boilers can be combined with other heating systems.
- easy management;
- low noise level;
- compact dimensions;
- high efficiency - 99.4%;
- choice of heating power - 4, 6, 8 kW
- energy saving circulating pump;
- hydraulic connections in the lower part of the boiler;
- possibility to connect up to 8 heating circuit with mixer (additional accessories required);
- integrated analog input for photovoltaic installation;
- automatic modulation of power depending on the current heat demand;
- built-in modulating electric heater;
- constant temperature control;
- water temperature regulation from 20 to 85 ° C;
- safety valve;
- thermal protection against overheating;
- minimum pressure sensor;
- possibility to work in any decentralized heating installation or through a heat exchanger to another heat carrier.
* The desired power of the boiler is built by the installer during commissioning or maintenance of the boiler.
Main components:
1. Electric boiler Vitotron 100
2. Boiler
3. Three-way valve
4. Heating circuit - direct
5. Heating circuit - with mixer
A. Racord electric |
B. STB (WT3) |
C. Senzor retur |
D. Placa de baza (MSK.80) |
E. Automatizare |
F. Pompa PWM |
G. Senzor presiune |
H. Retur |
I. Racorduri |
J. Corpul cazanului cu element pt.incalzire |
K. Senzor tur |
L. Tur |
M. Supapa de siguranta |
Automatizare intuitiva si usor de utilizat
A. Afisaj LCD iluminat cu un meniu simplu.
B. Comutator rotativ de navigare pentru afisajul
semnalului si parametrilor / reglaje.
Vitotron 100 este simplu de utilizat - o simpla rasucire a butonului spre stanga sau dreapta permite accesul la meniul centralei.
Display-ul ofera informatii despre parametrii de functionare de baza al cazanului, functii, Service / Configurare, Mod (Concediu/Manual) si regim de functionare.
Centrala electrica Viessmann Vitotron 100 VLN dispune de automatizare pentru functionare cu temperatura constanta.
Caracteristici | |
Greutate (kg) | 20.5 |
Tara de fabricatie | Germania |
Adâncime (mm) | 235 |
Lățime (mm) | 316 |
Înălțime (mm) | 716 |
Garantie | 2 Ani |
Presiune de lucru maximă (bar) | 3 |
Eficienta (%) | 99.4 |
Putere termică nominală (kW) | 12-24 |